Some question the purpose and value in Miltary aircrew undergoing Low Level training, yet it is an essential skill for any pilot or navigator.
Some snippets from the MOD outlining the value and reasoning behind Low Level training sorties.
Low flying remains an essential skill for military aircrew.
Whatever missions we ask our Armed Forces to undertake the aircrew must be able to fulfil the task as effectively as possible, often without time for “work-up” training. Current Operations around the world see aircrew of both fixed and rotary wing aircraft undertaking operations at low level. They are only able to do this through specialist training gained through the use of the UK Low Flying System.
The UK Military Low Flying System covers the open airspace of the whole of the UK and surrounding overseas areas from the surface to 2,000 feet above the ground or mean sea level.
Military fixed wing aircraft are judged to be low flying when they are less than 2000 feet minimum separation distance from the ground.
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